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Climate change is gradually becoming one of the world’s most pressing
problems. It relates to long-term temperature and weather pattern changes.
Changes in temperature and weather patterns are caused by both natural and
human actions. This article examines the causes that contribute to climate change
as well as measures for mitigating its effects.


Some of the various factors behind climate change include:
1. Power Generation: Electricity can be generated through several sources such as wind, solar, and fossil fuels. Electricity generated through sources like wind and solar produce little or no greenhouse emissions. However, most of the electricity utilized today are generated from the combustion of fossil fuels which produce carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide- powerful greenhouse gases that blanket the Earth and trap the sun’s heat.1 As a result, global warming and climate change are direct consequences of the majority of global electricity generation.
2. Deforestation: Deforestation refers to the removal or destruction of trees and forests. It is important to note that forests have a significant influence on climate change. Aside from being an important habitat and source of living for both humans and terrestrial animals, trees ensure that carbon dioxide emitted by human activities is utilized. The destruction of forests contributes to the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Forest loss account for approximately 10% of global warming.2 If we are to succeed in combating climate change, we must encourage afforestation and prohibit forest clearance, burning, and disposal.
3. Modern Day Means of Transportation and Manufacturing Industries: Transportation is an important component of human life. Moving from one location to another has always required some form of transportation. Transportation modes have evolved dramatically over time, from horses, wooden boats, carts, and so on, to the more modern modes of transportation we now have, such as cars, bikes, aero planes, and jets. According to statistics, from 1971 to 2014, the Nigerian transport sector contributed an annual average of 48% of total carbon emissions from fuel combustion, and it is projected under the Business as Usual (BAU) scenario that by 2035, GHG emissions from the transport sector would increase by up to 50%, and by nearly 100% in 2050. 3 Hence, modern day means of transportation is a major contributor to global warming and climate change. Manufacturing industries also contribute significantly to greenhouse gas. emissions. Manufacturing, for example, accounts for nearly a quarter (23%) of direct carbon emissions in the United States, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and in Europe, an annual total of 880 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents, making it one of the continent’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases. 4 Nigerian manufacturing sector constitutes about 12% of direct CO2 emissions from the continuous utilization of fossil-based energy and 2% of electricity-related emissions. 5 This suggests that manufacturing industries pose as much threat as transportation to climate change.
4. Agriculture: The relationship between agriculture and climate change is complex and interconnected. While it’s widely known that climate influences agricultural productivity, it’s equally important to recognize how agricultural practices contribute to climate change. Agriculture’s impact on climate change is substantial, as highlighted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which reported that agriculture was responsible for 9.3% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the United States in 2018. 6 The agricultural sector’s excessive use of herbicides and fertilizers contributes to climate change by disrupting carbon cycles and releasing greenhouse gases. Sustainable farming practices like agroforestry, conservation tillage, crop rotation, and precision farming can mitigate these effects. Addressing these interconnected issues require policy changes, technological innovations, and widespread adoption of sustainable practices. By addressing these concerns, the agricultural sector can ensure food security for future generations.


Climate change mitigation refers to collective efforts aimed at implementing strategies to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases discharged into the atmosphere. To successfully address the underlying sources of these gases, it is critical to limit or substitute activities that generate them. Vehicles, machinery, and other equipment that relies on fossil fuels, for example, can be replaced with new alternatives such as electric cars and machines that operate without burning fuel. Adopting improved agricultural practices is also critical, particularly in terms of expansion and food security. It is important to oppose deforestation and promote afforestation projects. Trees serve a vital role because they absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, use it for growth, and then release oxygen into the atmosphere, reducing greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activities. Traditional soil tilling can contribute to climate change. Promoting no-till farming methods would help preserve carbon in the soil and minimize soil erosion, resulting in a more sustainable agricultural strategy. Practices that enhance greenhouse gas sinks should be encouraged. A sink is a reduction in atmospheric GHGs by storing (sequestering) carbon in another form. 7 The major carbon sinks include oceans, soil and forests. According to Client Earth, 8 forests around the

world take in about 2.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide annually. Earths soil absorbs approximately a quarter of all human-produced emissions yearly, while the oceans have absorbed roughly a quarter of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere since the onset of burning fossil fuels for energy during the industrial revolution. It is crucial to actively adopt methods and actions that safeguard and maintain these carbon storage systems.
In conclusion, it’s critical for humanity as a whole to acknowledge the realities of climate change and its various detrimental consequences. Every individual should strive to contribute their part to reduce the impact of climate change and work towards creating a better world for present and future generations.

1 UN, ‘Causes and Effects of Climate Change’ https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/science/causes-effects- climate- change#:~:text=Fossil%20fuels%20%E2%80%93%20coal%2C%20oil%20and,they%20trap%20the%20sun’s%20heat 2 WWF, ‘The Effects of Deforestation’ https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/effects- of/deforestation#:~:text=Trees%20absorb%20and%20store%20carbon,we%20don’t%20stop%20deforestation 3 Akujor et al, ‘Decarbonisation of the Transport Sector in Nigeria’ https://bioone.org/journals/environmental- health-insights/volume-16/issue-1/11786302221125039/Decarbonisation-of-the-Transport-Sector-in- Nigeria/10.1177/11786302221125039.full 4 WEF, ‘From Remanufacturing to Recycling: How Manufacturing Can Raise the Bar on Global Climate Goals’ https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/06/manufacturing-industry-climate-change-goals/ 5 Inah et al, ‘Exploring the CO2 Emissions Drivers in the Nigerian Manufacturing Sector Through Decomposition Analysis and the Potential of Carbon Tax (CAT) Policy on CO2 Mitigation’ Future Business Journal 2022, 8(1):61 https://fbj.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s43093-022-00176-y 6 ESO DATA ANALYTICS, ‘Climate Change And Agriculture: Adaptation Tips’ https://eos.com/blog/climate-change- and-agriculture/ 7 ScienceDirect, ‘Greenhouse Gas Sink’ https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetary- sciences/greenhouse-gas-sink#:~:text=A%20sink%20is%20a%20reduction,carbon%20to%20build%20the%20plant 8 ClientEarth, ‘What is a Carbon Sink?’ https://www.clientearth.org/latest/latest-updates/stories/what-is-a-carbon- sink/#:~:text=A%20carbon%20sink%20absorbs%20carbon,the%20world’s%20largest%20carbon%20sinks

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